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4 Critical Problems With Older Carpet

Posted on February 3, 2023

Older carpet presents a unique set of challenges for carpet cleaning in Los Angeles because the surface has endured several years of usage. During that period, all kinds of things get spilled, stained, dirtied, soaked, and dripped into the fibers of your carpet, causing varying degrees of damage. You can prevent this from happening with professional carpet cleaning in Los Angeles.

We Steam has the ability to neutralize problems found in old carpet by attacking the source with proven techniques and chemical formulas. At the same time, our Los Angeles carpet cleaning methods are environmentally friendly and pose absolutely no harm to humans or pets. To put it simply, carpet cleaning in Los Angeles works on old carpet because it solves four main problems.

1. Deep Stains

The old saying goes, “time heals all wounds” – This surely doesn’t apply to carpet stains. The longer stains are embedded in your carpet, the more difficult it becomes to remove. We Steam specializes in Los Angeles carpet cleaning that digs deep enough to combat the toughest of stains. How do we accomplish this? Well, it’s a multi-step approach.

It all starts with employing qualified Los Angeles carpet cleaning technicians. Stain removal is mostly predicated on knowing which cleaning products to use on different types of carpets. You must take into consideration the various colors and impact of particular chemicals. In a way, Los Angeles carpet cleaning technicians have to know their chemistry. 

Every eco-friendly chemical will produce a reaction with your carpet while trying to remove a stain. That means We Steam’s cleaning technicians need to be well-versed in administering doses of cleaning products to make sure the correct amount is being applied. This level of care can only be executed by professional carpet cleaning in Los Angeles!

2. Odors

Long-lasting odors are another consequence of having older carpets. But just like deep stains, it’s a very fixable problem when you We Steam for carpet cleaning in Los Angeles. Certain blends of cleaning products create an effective odor-removal solution, and our technicians understand how to make it. Your home or office deserves to smell clean and fresh, so make sure that happens by getting Los Angeles carpet cleaning!

3. Texture 

Over time, your carpet starts to lose the original form and texture it once had from natural deterioration. Carpets have been known to harden after years of usage and crust over. Failing to seek treatment when this happens could result in permanent damage to your carpers. We Steam reinvigorates the surface through our Los Angeles carpet cleaning services.

The hardest part about restoring carpet is getting back that natural fluff and volume you see with new carpet. Luckily, Los Angeles carpet cleaning has the necessary tools and equipment to make it happen. There’s not too much We Steam’s technicians can’t do for your carpets and finding the right texture is very important.

4. Discoloration 

We briefly discussed color earlier, but the wrong combination of chemicals and cleaners can cause irreversible discoloration to your carpets. And when that occurs, even We Steam Carpet Cleaning in Los Angeles may not be able to fix it. That’s why you need to get it right the first time by hiring professional carpet cleaning in Los Angeles at an affordable price.

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